
Showing posts from February, 2019

100 Word Challenge: See Salt and Vinegar Chips

Sea salt vinegar chips     I sat there waiting in class listening to the clock tik to tik tok I was bursting with excitement I could not wait to get home and make sea salt vinegar chips. They would fill my mouth with that sharp scrumptious sharp vinegar taste. My mouth watered at the fact. Some people think it's too sharp. But then it happened ding ding ding the bell rang I shove my shoes back on lighting fast sprint over to my backpack shove lots of paper into and I am off dust is going up behind my belly grumbles.

100 WC: SuperBear

Super Bear A little girl was walking on a train track then suddenly a boom came from the sky. So in fright she threw her teddy bear and ran away to get into her small little dry home. Later that night lighting struck the teddy bear. But this was a magical lighting bolt and it made the bear a huge powerful body he sprinted away towards the little girls house ready for blood. His fists pounded on the ground all 4. He could now smell the girl he knocked down the door. Then I woke up sweating with fear crying.

100 Word Challenge: Out of Toon

Dumb It was a normal day in America I was outside playing my guitar with my friend his name was Andrew. He was doing a African dance it was really fun and funny. For some reason I thought it would be cool to try to play on the roof of our house. We did it and later we found out that It was a terrible Idea when I fell of the house I heard my guitar crash on the ground. It would completely out of toon. That doesn't really matter though because my neck broke I wake up and scream loud.

100 Word Challenge: Cake Disaster

Cake Disaster It’s my mother’s birthday today. I cannot wait I am going to make her a cake I hope she enjoys it. It’s chocolate I quickly search up a recipe get the ingredients. A fringe of my curly black hair gets stuck in sugar. I need to go quick well I am making my cake the baking powder bag falls in. I cannot change it I nervously pop it in the oven. The oven door starts flickering open close open then it happens boom! Batter is everywhere minutes later I hear the doorbell ring. I have Lot’s to clean.